Hello, my name is Mairo Ahmadu.

I am the perfect beautiful mess behind SPILLAGE!

I am a Nigerian-born settler in Canada. I live and work in Winnipeg (Treaty No. 1 Territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinabe (Ojibway), Ininew (Cree), Oji-Cree, Dene, and Dakota, and the Birthplace of the Métis Nation and the Heart of the Métis Nation Homeland), Manitoba.

My intention behind Spillage is to serve as a space where being unapologetically messy is welcomed, especially with our voice as humans and through words and creativity.

My passion lies in connecting people and communities to ideas and resources (some might say this is my superpower). I believe that connecting and bringing people together goes a long way in creating inclusive and healthier communities toward progressive change.

My interests lie in mental health, food (I am such a foodie!), travel (I am in for an adventure anytime) and exploring the world with a sassy curiosity.

The best way for me to make a positive impact is still a work in progress, and I would love for you to come along for the adventure.

Let’s stay connected HERE!


Inspired by the word:

Spill /spɪl/

 to cause or allow, especially accidentally or unintentionally, to fall, flow, or run out.

This blog serves as a medium for creatively and intentionally expressing thoughts on topics related to the human experience, with a sprinkle of personal life experiences/reflections and intimate sharings (sometimes!).